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2017 Annual Meeting
2017 International Congress on Energy
2017 Annual Meeting
Group: 2017 International Congress on Energy
Calloway, B.
, Savannah River National Laboratory
Alternative Energy & Enabling Technologies
Biorefinery Technologies for Forest Based Lignocellulosic Biomass
Fossil Fuels & CCS
Hydrogen Production and Storage
International Congress on Energy (ICE) 2017
Symposium on Solar Power and Chemical Systems in Honor of Prof. Edward A. Fletcher
October 29, 2017
03:30 PM
05:30 PM
Public Affairs and AIChE: A PAIC Town Hall
03:30 PM
06:00 PM
Advances in Algae Based Biorefineries: Algae Biomass Cultivation, Harvesting, and Characterization
Biobased Fuels and Chemicals: Biosynthetic Pathway Engineering & Enzymatic Conversion
Life Cycle Analysis of Bio-Based Fuels, Energy, and Chemicals
Reaction Engineering of Biomass and Hydrocarbons in Supercritical Water
Sustainable Electricity: Generation and Storage
October 30, 2017
08:00 AM
10:30 AM
Advanced Fuel Cell, Hydrogen Generation & Storage Technologies
Biofuels Production: Design, Simulation, and Economic Analysis
Carbon Dioxide Capture from Power Generation
Catalytic Processing of Fossil and Biorenewable Feedstocks I: Lignin and Bio-Oil Chemistry
Electrocatalysis and Photoelectrocatalysis I: CO2 Reduction
Engineering Government Policy with a Chemical Perspective (Invited Talks)
Materials for Electrochemical Energy I
Sustainable Energy from Renewable Resources
Sustainable Microbial Process for Food, Feeds, Energy, and Environment
Topical Plenary: Advanced Biomaterials, Biofuels, and Biorefinery (Invited Talks)
World Café: Food-Energy-Water Nexus (Invited Talks)
11:00 AM
12:30 PM
Meet the Executives: Innovating for a Sustainable Future (Invited Talks)
12:30 PM
03:00 PM
Applied Environmental Catalysis I
Biochemical Conversion Processes in Forest/Plant Biomass Biorefineries
Catalytic Processing of Fossil and Biorenewable Feedstocks II: Carboxylic Acids and Ketones
Chemical Looping Processes I
CO2 Use and Reuse
Electrocatalysis and Photoelectrocatalysis II: HER/HOR
Materials and Processes for Thermo-, Electro- and Photo-Chemical Energy Storage
The Food-Energy-Water Nexus
03:15 PM
04:45 PM
Poster Session: Novel Products from Forest and Plant Biomass
Poster Session: Symposium on Solar Power and Chemical Systems in Honor of Prof. Edward A. Fletcher
03:15 PM
05:45 PM
Applied Environmental Catalysis II
Catalytic Processing of Fossil and Biorenewable Feedstocks III: Alcohols and Polyols
Electrocatalysis and Photoelectrocatalysis III: Computational Methods
Fuel Cell Membranes
Fuels from the Sun: Nanomaterials for Water Splitting, Artificial Photosynthesis, and Other Photocatalytic, and Photoelectrochemical Reactions
Fundamentals of Food, Energy, and Water Systems
Novel Approaches to CO2 Utilization
Reaction Kinetics and Transport Fundamentals for Biomass Conversion: Chemical and Catalytic
October 31, 2017
08:00 AM
10:30 AM
Alternative Fuels including Biofuels, Hydrogen, Renewable Hydrogen, and Syngas
Biological Conversions and Processes for Renewable Feedstocks
Biomass Characterization, Pretreatment, and Fractionation
Catalysis with Microporous and Mesoporous Materials I
Catalytic Processing of Fossil and Biorenewable Feedstocks IV: Chemistry of Furanics
CO2 Capture By Adsorption I: Process and Storage
Combustion Kinetics and Emissions I
Conversion of Solid Wastes to Energy and/or Product
Developments in Petroleum and Biofuels Refining Technologies I
Electrocatalysis and Photoelectrocatalysis IV: ORR/OER
Nanomaterials for Energy Storage
Process Intensification and Integration of Water and Energy Usage
Symposium on Solar Power and Chemical Systems in Honor of Prof. Edward A. Fletcher I
The Energy-Water Nexus
Value-Added Chemicals from Natural Gas
12:30 PM
03:00 PM
Area Plenary: Sustainable Biorefineries (Invited Talks)
Breakthroughs in C1 to Chemicals and Processing Engineering
Catalysis with Microporous and Mesoporous Materials II
Catalytic Processing of Fossil and Biorenewable Feedstocks V: Biomass Deconstruction and Oxygenate Processing
CO2 Capture, Utilization, and Disposal: Key to Clean Energy Production I
Combustion Kinetics and Emissions II
Developments in Petroleum and Biofuels Refining Technologies II
Distributed Chemical and Energy Processes for Sustainability
Electrocatalysis and Photoelectrocatalysis V: Electrolysis and Solar Fuels
Nanomaterials for Hydrogen Production and Fuel Cells
Separation Processes in Biorefineries
Symposium on Solar Power and Chemical Systems in Honor of Prof. Edward A. Fletcher II
Topical Plenary: Advances in Fossil Energy R&D (Invited Talks)
03:15 PM
05:45 PM
Advances in Catalysis for Hydrogen Production
Carbon Dioxide Capture Technologies and Their Use
Distributed Bioprocessing for Integrated Biorefineries
Electrocatalysis and Photoelectrocatalysis VI: Fuel Oxidation and Chemical Transformations
Lignin for Sustainable Industrial Uses
Pyrolysis of Biomass
Recalcitrance of Woody Biomass
Symposium on Solar Power and Chemical Systems in Honor of Prof. Edward A. Fletcher III
Unconventional Technologies for CO2 Capture, Conversion and Utilization
Value-Added Co-Products from Biorefineries
November 01, 2017
08:00 AM
10:30 AM
Alternative Fuels and Enabling Technologies
Catalysis with Microporous and Mesoporous Materials III
Cellulose-Based Materials
CO2 Capture, Utilization, and Disposal: Key to Clean Energy Production II
Forum Plenary: Sustainable Engineering Forum (Invited Talks)
Future Automotive Catalysis
Lignocellulosic Materials
Reaction Engineering for Biomass Conversion
Renewable Hydrogen Production
Topical Plenary: Chemical Engineers in Medicine III (Invited Talks)
12:30 PM
03:00 PM
Catalysis with Microporous and Mesoporous Materials IV
Chemical and Catalytic Conversions and Processes for Renewable Feedstocks
Coal Conversion to Value-Added Chemicals and Power in Modular Systems
Conjugated Polymers
Efficient Processing of Lignin to Bioproducts and Biofuels I
Emerging Applications of Cellulose Nanofibrils (CNFs) and Its Composites
Fuel Processing for Hydrogen Production
Modeling and Computation in Energy and Environment
Reaction Engineering for Combustion and Pyrolysis
USA-China Progress in Biomass Conversion Technologies I
03:15 PM
04:45 PM
Poster Session: Sustainability and Sustainable Biorefineries
03:15 PM
05:45 PM
Advances in Unconventional Oil and Gas Modeling
Bioplastics, Biocomposites and Value-Added Uses of Biofuel Coproducts for Sustainable Manufacturing
Efficient Processing of Lignin to Bioproducts and Biofuels II
Nanostructured Thin Films
Polymers for Energy Storage and Conversion
USA-China Progress in Biomass Conversion Technologies II
November 02, 2017
08:00 AM
10:30 AM
Alternative Fuels
Catalysis for C1 Chemistry: CO2 Conversion and Methane Reforming
Chemical Modifications and Processing of Biomaterials
Computational Catalysis IV: Biomass Chemistry and Chemicals Production
Developments in Biorefineries
Hydrothermal Carbonization
Integrated Thermochemical and Biochemical Processing for Renewable Fuels and Chemicals
Membranes for CO2 Separations - GS IV
Nanoscale Science and Engineering in Biomolecular Catalysis I
Novel Materials and Processes for Air Pollution Control
Unconventionals: Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
12:30 PM
03:00 PM
Biomass Thermal Deconstruction Via Fast Pyrolysis Biorefineries
Catalytic Hydrogen Generation I: Reforming Reactions
Design and Optimization of Environmentally Sustainable Advanced Fossil Energy Systems
Feedstock Logistics for Biorefineries
Membrane Formation
Thermochemical Conversion of Biomass
03:15 PM
05:45 PM
Catalytic Hydrogen Generation II: Shift and Splitting Reactions
Conversion of Biomass Based Renewable Resources to Synthesis Gases and Pyrolysis Oils
Developments in the Pretreatment of Lignocellulosics for Bioconversion
Integrating Municipal and Industrial Waste into Biorefineries
Rare Earth Elements in Fossil Fuel Derived Solids and Liquids
November 03, 2017
08:00 AM
10:30 AM
Advances in Algal Biorefineries
Bio-Based Polymers
Engineering Geologic Carbon Dioxide Storage Systems
Nanostructured/Thin Film Photovoltaics
Reactor Engineering for Biomass Feedstocks