2017 Synthetic Biology: Engineering, Evolution & Design (SEED)

Molecular and Engineering Design Concept of  Bacterial Surface Antigen( Fimbriae) Involved in Cancer Therapy


Brahma, P. N. K. Sr. - Presenter, Institute of genetic Engineering
In evolution of animal kingdom we have observed the paradigm shifts of unicellular organisms to multicellular organism, prokaryotic to eukaryotic cells, simple to complicated immune systems, the genetic mutations and their diversified species description and the cancer generations, the environmental and genetic impacts on species evolution and the debates of Lamack and Darwin’s evolutionary theory. In the recent years we have seen the trends is shifting. We have observed the importance of biological evolution has been shifted to immune responses in ensuring the generations of cancer diversified by various organ specific activities and finally we have observed the functions of stem cells in curing cancer as regenerative medicines, where the questions of regenerations and repairing are considered. These repairing mechanisms are confined at the latest studies on CAS9, a RNA based DNA repairing. When the author is justifying the said facts, it was found that all are mainly made in vitro ( i.e. on experimental tables) and speculated for target specific activities in vivo. To specify the immune response in vivo, the target specific genetic and protein manipulations were essential, so the application of genetic engineering (GE) in Escherichia coli K-12 was essential and was predominated ( i.e the beginning of molecular biology) In this chapter scientist have isolated, transcribed and translated foreign DNA and cloned the said DNA into vector plasmid to design target specific activities ( i.e. mainly used in basic studies, gene expressions, hybrid protein based immune response and productions of valuable life saving products) .The author has similarly used the concepts of gene cloning first to study the complicated phenomena of bacterial adherence, immune response in prevention antidiarrheal activities( i.e. to clone donor pathogenic E.coli adherent ( colonization Factor Antigen CFA) gene into pBR 322 vector plasmid and to generate hybrid Escherichia coli K-12, which may prevent diarrhea of the donor fatal infection. The author was successful to show the facts of immune response in Balb/c mice through this process of gene cloning and generation of hybrid genetically Engineered (GE) Escherichia coli K-12, was successful. Thereafter the concepts were moved to study the nanochanneling properties of those hybrid fimbriae / pili. In this paper the author will attempt to described the steps involved in such design. The nanochanneling properties of hybrid fimbriae of Escherichia coli K-12 were successfully identified in preparation of hybrid fimbrie’ pili based araldite thin film membrane, positive to water channeling, compared to pure araldite. After this design the author shifted his study thoughts / concepts of application towards the BNT (Bionanotube). In which the author proposes that this BNT might be used more efficient compared to CNT (Carbon Nanotube) to prevent side effects ( i.e these BNT may be generated from organs, affected by cancer), the isolated gene of the said cells could be used to generate hybrid fimbriae (BNT) and to immobilize cancer drugs additionally. Hybrid GE-BNT will help immune response and drugs will be released for therapeutic applications. Balb/c mice and nanochanneling studies are need to be completed.