2014 Synthetic Biology: Engineering, Evolution & Design (SEED)

A Highly Tunable System for the Simultaneous Expression of Multiple Enzymes in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae


Matsuyama, T. - Presenter, TOYOTA Central R&D Labs., Inc.
Ito, Y., TOYOTA Central R&D Labs., Inc.
Yamanishi, M., TOYOTA Central R&D Labs., Inc.


Control of the expression levels of multiple enzymes in transgenic yeasts is essential for the effective production of complex molecules through fermentation. Here, we propose a tunable strategy for the control of expression levels based on the design of terminator regions and other gene-expression control elements in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Our genome-integrated system, which is capable of producing high expression levels over a wide dynamic range, will broadly enable metabolic engineering and
synthetic biology. We demonstrated that the activities of multiple cellulases and the production of ethanol were doubled in a transgenic yeast constructed with our system compared with those achieved with a standard expression system.