2019 Food Innovation and Engineering (FOODIE) Conference

From Pressure to Plasma: Non-Thermal Food Processing Technologies Research at the USDA's Eastern Regional Research's Center


Foodborne pathogens cause millions of illnesses every year. At the US Department of Agriculture’s Eastern Regional Research Center near Philadelphia, PA, scientists and engineers have focused on developing new ways to improve food safety and shelf life while retaining quality and nutritional value. A variety of technologies have been advanced in recent years to expand on the suite of tools available to food processors. From long-standing research projects on nonthermal processing technologies such as irradiation, high pressure and advanced antimicrobial compounds, to newer approaches such as cold plasma, high intensity light treatments, radio frequency pasteurization, and active packaging, the food safety research at ERRC has addressed key aspects of efficacy, scalability and practicality. This presentation will give an overview of this research, and the drivers for these technologies, such as the desire for minimal processing, clean labels, lower costs, and sustainability.