2019 Spring Meeting and 15th Global Congress on Process Safety
(59ab) Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Radial Slot Jet Flow into Stagnant and Cross Flow Environments
A flowing jet injected into a cross-flowing air stream has several applications in combustion equipment, drying systems, quenching systems, and mixing tanks. A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technique for simulating radial slot jet flow into cross-flow has been studied and validated using experimental results. Data was obtained from an experimental setup designed and built in the Bio-Energy Systems Technology (BEST) laboratory at Missouri University of Science and Technology. A multi-dimensional hot wire anemometer was used to obtain measurements of radial velocity together with temperature profiles at several axial locations along with center-line axial velocity profiles to study the effect of jet-flow impingement on cross flow velocity profiles. Also, turbulence parameters, kinetic energy and dissipation rate were measured for at different locations. CFD predicted velocity profiles of the system were compared to the experimental data. Measured center-line axial velocity profiles increased significantly immediately after the radial slot injection point. This observation confirmed our ability to control the axial velocity profile by adjusting the cross section jet injection. The velocity data was used to develop a functional relationship between the axial flow and characteristics of the cross flow jet injection design. Good agreement was also found between the predicted and measured flow profiles providing confidence in the CFD model which allows its use for subsequent scaling studies.