2019 Spring Meeting and 15th Global Congress on Process Safety

(55p) Flammable Gas Release Modeling for Real-Time Analysis Using Adversarial Variational Bayes


Gye, H. R. - Presenter, Chung-Ang University
Lee, C. J., Chung-Ang University
Na, J., Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)
Seo, S. K., Chung-Ang University
In this study, we have suggested a method to calculate high-accuracy damage range from flammable material in petrochemical complex. There are many flammable and toxic substances in chemical processes. Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD) is one of the best way to calculate and simulate scenarios of release range of various fluids or gases. However, it is not used to calculate damage range, because of a lot of time to simulate one scenario. Thus, lots of researchers have enthusiastically studied the surrogate model or reduced order model to get the results of release range in real-time [1-3]. Recently, deep learning based generative model has receiveattention because of its superior performance of non-linear manifold estimation [4]. Herein, we propose surrogate model based on adversarial varational Bayes (AVB) [5] for real-time analysis of probability of death. The proposed surrogate model can extract the latent space of high-dimensional flammable and toxic substances dispersion contours. Furthermore, it can generate the estimated contour image from variables of interest much faster and more precise than CFD data memorization with linear interpolation because it does not memorize the data but train the non-linear manifold regarding exact posterior distribution on given observation which basis is predefined in standard variational autoencoder (VAE) [4, 6].

The acrylonitrile was studied about risk assessment for health damage like cancer hazard.[7] But the component has flammable and toxicity, so we should calculate range of damage. The main scenario in this study is the acrylonitrile released from underground model, and the result is shown different damage following hole size, mass flow rate, wind velocity, and wind direction. The superior performance of the proposed model was exemplified by comparing with other surrogate models.

[1] Chen, T., Hadinoto, K., Yan, W., & Ma, Y. (2011). Efficient meta-modelling of complex process simulations with time–space-dependent outputs. Computers & chemical engineering, 35(3), 502-509.

[2] Wang, K., Chen, T., Kwa, S. T., Ma, Y., & Lau, R. (2014). Meta-modelling for fast analysis of CFD-simulated vapour cloud dispersion processes. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 69, 89-97.

[3] Long, K. J., Zajaczkowski, F. J., Haupt, S. E., & Peltier, L. J. (2009). Modeling a Hypothetical Chlorine Release on a College Campus. JCP, 4(9), 881-890.

[4] Na, J., Jeon, K., & Lee, W. B. (2018). Toxic gas release modeling for real-time analysis using variational autoencoder with convolutional neural networks. Chemical Engineering Science, 181, 68-78.

[5] Mescheder, L., Nowozin, S., & Geiger, A. (2017, August). Adversarial Variational Bayes: Unifying Variational Autoencoders and Generative Adversarial Networks. In International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) (pp. 2391-2400). PMLR.

[6] Kingma, D. P., & Welling, M. (2013). Auto-encoding variational bayes. arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.6114.

[7] Haber, L. T., & Patterson, J. (2005). Report of an independent peer review of an acrylonitrile risk assessment. Hunam & Experimental Toxicology, 24, 487-527.