2019 Spring Meeting and 15th Global Congress on Process Safety

(55l) LOPA and Sil Risk Analysis As Critical Tools for PSM Culture and Accidents Prevention


Industrial facilities that operate with dangerous products, whether chronic or acute, are increasingly common to be present and part of society at large, often allowing an aggregate of increasingly rich and economically beneficial professions and specialties to the community, be it directly or indirectly. Accidents in these types of units, especially those operating with hazardous products of acute consequence (those that have the capacity to cause fatalities when released to the environment), such as flammable, toxic, explosive products, due to the possibility of occurrence of undesirable events and the behavior of the effects resulting from releases of these types of product, could cause serious damage to the people and / or the installations that are in its vicinity. The various types of accident studies are known as EAR (Risk Analysis Studies), some of which are used more widely and others are specific to specific response needs.

According to BERNSTEIN (1997), the word "risk" derives from the ancient Italian risicare, which means "to dare". While DUARTE (2002) describes that the meaning of the word risk is an expression of thought that has a lot to do with the social, scientific and technological evolution of man. As BILLINTON and ALLAN (1992) note, society has great difficulty distinguishing between a hazard, which can be prioritized in terms of its severity, but does not take into account its probability, and risk, which considers not only the dangerous event, but also their probability of occurrence. KAPLAN (1997) explains that when a person asks "What is the risk?", 3 (three) questions are actually being questioned: What can happen? How can this happen? And if this does happen, what are the consequences? The answers define the scenario, frequency and consequence.

Within the agencies that tend to manage corporate risk, it is noticeable that the risk associated with a particular accident scenario is calculated according to its frequency of occurrence and its severity. Frequency is related to the temporal chance of occurrence of the initiating event, which leads to the release of dangerous product, such as LPP (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) emanation by ball rupture through overpressure of this equipment or, as a second example, the intrinsic rupture of a stretch of line. The consequence, also called severity, considering personal safety, is the capacity that the physical effects, due to the release of dangerous product, associated to the analyzed initiating event, can cause fatality (s), related to the potential of damage related to each effect analysis. The risk, qualitatively or quantitatively observed, and defined in a simplified way, is evaluated as the multiplication of frequency of occurrence and severity. The total social risk related to a particular facility, which can be defined as the risk that a community outside the facility is subject to by its presence in its vicinity, can be calculated as the sum of the risks of all the initiating events arising of the same. In order to do this, for each accident scenario, not only the generating causes, known as Initiating Events, but also the likelihood of ignition, the probability of affecting people, and several other parameters are considered, being one of them very important and permissible of analyzes, which are the failures

safeguards. These, if they act effectively when demanded, can prevent the accident from occurring, since the Initiating Event happens.

Hazardous product risk studies, such as qualitative (Hazard Operational Preliminary Analysis (APPP), Hazard Operability (HAZOP, among others) or those known as quantitative analyzes (Vulnerability Analysis and Quantitative Risk Analysis per se), in addition to being increasingly requested by regulatory agencies, have often been seen as an internal requirement of companies, representing one of the pillars of industrial safety management, in order to keep their risks at low or acceptable levels. However, these analyzes are usually performed in stages

until the final definition of the risk, comparison with acceptability criteria, and later mitigation, if necessary, each of these stages having a minimum time required for its execution, which may make the analysis complete rather time-consuming. Situations similar to these are detrimental to Risk Management when, in fact, what is desired is not a complete risk analysis, but only the achievement of a specific response, such as if my identified risk scenario is effective and properly protected.

The extent of possible damage related to each identified accident is delimited by the intensity of the physical effect causing the damage, and the relationship between the intensity of the physical effect and the corresponding damage is established through the vulnerability models.

On the other hand, semiquantitative risk analyzes such The extent of possible damage related to each identified accident is delimited by the intensity of the physical effect causing the damage, and the relationship between the intensity of the physical effect and the corresponding damage is established through the vulnerability models.

On the other hand, semiquantitative risk analyzes such as LOPA (Layer of Protection Analysis) and SIL (Safety Integrity Level), even though they are less demanded by chemical and petrochemical companies than qualitative or quantitative steps can have beneficial and effective results in terms of knowledge of all the characteristics of the analysis scenarios and of their protection barriers and, in a practical way, much faster to be developed. In addition, they can provide results that do not make up the analysis range of qualitative and / or quantitative studies in depth, such as knowledge and prior review of safeguards, many of which are known as Independent Protection Layers ( CIP or IPL - Independent Protection Layers).

Therefore, with the anticipation of an increase in the number of future installations operating with hazardous products and the current installations that already do so, the semi-quantitative studies of LOPA represent an enormous value for the observance of the existing protections in each scenario of process accidents, also serving as the basis for the determination of new Independent Protection Layers or even the reduction of their number, tending to simplify the steps of determining the frequency of the scenario., even though they are less demanded by chemical and petrochemical companies than qualitative or quantitative steps can have beneficial and effective results in terms of knowledge of all the characteristics of the analysis scenarios and of their protection barriers and, in a practical way, much faster to be developed. In addition, they can provide results that do not make up the analysis range of qualitative and / or quantitative studies in depth, such as knowledge and prior review of safeguards, many of which are known as Independent Protection Layers ( CIP or IPL - Independent Protection Layers).

Therefore, with the anticipation of an increase in the number of future installations operating with hazardous products and the current installations that already do so, the semi-quantitative studies of LOPA represent an enormous value for the observance of the existing protections in each scenario of process accidents, also serving as the basis for the determination of new Independent Protection Layers or even the reduction of their number, tending to simplify the steps of determining the frequency of the scenario.