2019 Spring Meeting and 15th Global Congress on Process Safety

(55bx) Maintaining Safety Excellence By the Implementation of Process Safety Inspection in Badak LNG


Badak LNG as one of the most experienced LNG Producers in the world, has undergone safety culture change throughout its operation. The goal of this change is to achieve excellent safety performances, indicated by the lower rate of Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF), lower number of Loss of Primary Containment (LOPC) Tier-1, High Potential Incident and multiple Train trip. This change was triggered by the occurrence of a fatal incident in 2005 as well as lost time injury incident in 2006. Since then, Badak LNG has integrated Process Safety Management (PSM) into its Company Management System, strengthened the roles and responsibilities of Managements, and pursued for interdependent safety behaviour of each personnel. One of PSM implementations is through process safety inspection.

Process safety inspection is an activity to assess the current equipment integrity based on visual observations compared with equipment’s standard condition. The standard condition checklist for process safety inspection in Badak LNG is based on Physical Barrier Assessment tools, owned by Det Norske Veritas (DNV). The assessed items are divided into 5 categories: Inherent Safety, Hazard Prevention Measure, Hazard Control, Mitigations, and Support System. The overall score is determined by total number of standard items in all categories compared to the total number of verified items in all categories. The minimum acceptable score is at 80%.

During the year of 2012-2017, the average score of process safety inspections in Badak LNG is 90%. As a result of these inspections, Badak LNG had also identified the need of improvement in some items such as blinds, pipework and flanges, passive fire protection, fire & gas detection system and lock-open/lock-close block valves. In overall, by the implementation of PSM, Badak LNG has aligned on the right path to maintain its safety excellence achievement in LNG business, such as zero LTIF since 2007, zero multiple Train trip since 2012, zero LOPC Tier-1 since 2016, and zero High Potential Incident in 2017.