2019 Spring Meeting and 15th Global Congress on Process Safety
(55bt) Ammonia Dispersion Modeling for Ammonia Storage with Multi-Scenario Failure System
To accommodate ammonia production, PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur currently operates 3 ammonia tanks with a capacity of 2 x 25,000 tons and 1 x 50,000 tons. In order to manage the hazard risk contained in the ammonia tank, it is necessary to do a modeling to map the potential and ammonia leakage potential areas and the impact of their exposure to the workforce and the community around the factory area.
The results of this modeling are expected to be used by Pupuk Kalimantan Timur's management in carrying out corrective actions for occupational health and safety performance, especially in controlling the potential hazard of ammonia, especially in ammonia tanks.
In this paper modeling is done using the AERMOD® Modeling System software. AERMOD Modeling System was chosen because it can be used on:
- U.S. EPA regulatory Gaussian plume air dispersion model.
- For near-field impacts (50 km max).
- Prefered model for complex terrain.
- Improved treatment of urban effects.
For modeling, we choose the AS-T-101 ammonia tank which has the largest capacity, which is 50,000 tons. Ammonia distribution models will be simulated based on weather conditions and ammonia leak source scenarios that can occur in the AS-T-101 ammonia storage tank system. Ammonia leakage sources will be displayed in 5 scenarios, i.e:
- 1 Vent opens
- 1 PSV poping
- 2 PSV poping
- 3 PSV poping
- 3 PSV and 1 vent poping
The AERMOD Modeling System program is used to make ammonia distribution models for each event scenario assuming an exposure radius of up to 10 km. Based on the results of the calculation and modeling of the potential distribution of ammonia from AS-T-101 using the AERMOD Modeling System, the highest exposure of ammonia is in the 5th scenario, which is up to 36611 µg / M3.