2024 AIChE Annual Meeting
(376f) A New Way of Teaching Gas Liquid Reaction Kinetics and Gas-Liquid Reactor Design
In the present work, rate equation for the (1,1) order irreversible gas liquid reaction are presented which consider the most general case where the gas film resistance, reaction in film and bulk, depletion of the liquid phase reactant B in the film are derived and from this most general case by extending the Hikita and Asai (1964) approximation as done by Bhattacharya et al (1987).. Rate equations and criteria for the applicability of these special cases, where not all the resistances mentioned above are important, i.e cases corresponding to different regimes of absorption , are derived. The simple notation of these special cases introduced by Doraiswamy and Sharma (1984) is followed in the present work with a slightly modified definition of regimes and naming the gas film resistance controlled mass transfer as an additional regime. Accordingly , the following classification of regimes is followed in the present work. Regime 1 is defined as the regime of absorption with reaction where gas film resistance is negligible, reaction in film is insignificant, liquid phase mass transfer resistance is negligible and reaction takes place only in the reactor bulk and is not complete in the bulk. Regime 2 is defined as the regime where gas film resistance is negligible, reaction in film is insignificant, reaction in film is complete and the controlling resistance is only the liquid phase mass transfer. Regime 3 is defined as the regime in which gas film resistance is insignificant, reaction in film is complete and there is no flux of the solute from the film into the liquid bulk. Regime 4 is defined as the regime in which gas film resistance is not significant, reaction in film is purely diffusion controlled i.e reaction between the solute and the solvent is instantaneous. Regime 5 is defined as the regime in which gas film resistance is controlling and all other resistances are negligible compared to the gas film resistance irrespective of the other features regarding the zone of reaction i.e film or bulk. Mixed regimes where the features of one or more individual pure regimes mentioned above are to be considered as significant such as regime 1 and 2, regime 1,2, and 3, regime 3, 4, and 5, so on. The equations and criteria for the pure or mixed regimes are derived after developing at first , the rate equation for the most general case where features of all the pure regimes mentioned above are important. From the equations for the most general case, rate equations and the criteria for the validity of the various pure and mixed regimes are derived. The need to identify the controlling resistances arises from the fact that the selection of the reactor type depends on which hydrodynamic parameter is involved in the rate equation for the controlling regime that is identified based on input data for a given problem. The above approach has been used by the author while teaching Chemical Reaction Engineering at the senior undergraduate and post graduate level at Indian Institute of Technology (Delhi).over two decades. Also, application of the above approach to solve all the problems assigned in the Chemical Reactor Omnibook was developed and tested in the classroom and a broader set of exercises are also developed to enable the student to develop rate equations and criteria for new reaction systems.
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