2024 AIChE Annual Meeting
(15g) Towards a Multi-Stage Stochastic Optimization Approach for Resilient Supply Chain Network Design and Operations
To address this, we propose a multi-stage stochastic optimization approach that accounts for disruptions and their discrete probability of occurrence. To allow for time-dependent uncertainty realization, the planning horizon is divided into multiple time periods, each containing uncertainty realizations corresponding to the current stage. This further enables the simultaneous consideration of uncertainties at the tactical, strategic, and operational decision-making levels. The optimization formulation captures trade-offs between economic factors (first-stage costs and expected subsequent-stage costs) and resilience objectives (such as service level) through a multi-objective approach and is illustrated by a case study involving a multi-echelon distribution network [5]. The case study is setup in a python programming environment using the energiapy [6], pyomo [7], and mpi-sppy [8] packages. The results elucidate the dynamic reconfigurations of the supply chain network in anticipation of and during supply chain disruptions.
Keywords: Supply Chain Network Design, Uncertainty, Stochastic Optimization, Resilience
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[6]. Kakodkar, R., & Pistikopoulos, E. (2023). Energiapy-an Open Source Python Package for Multiscale Modeling & Optimization of Energy Systems. In 2023 AIChE Annual Meeting. AIChE.
[7]. Hart, William E., Jean-Paul Watson, and David L. Woodruff. "Pyomo: modeling and solving mathematical programs in Python." Mathematical Programming Computation 3(3) (2011): 219-260.
[8]. Knueven, B., Mildebrath, D., Muir, C., Siirola, J. D., Watson, J. P., & Woodruff, D. L. (2023). A parallel hub-and-spoke system for large-scale scenario-based optimization under uncertainty. Mathematical Programming Computation, 15(4), 591-619.