2023 AIChE Annual Meeting
(2dr) Mulitscale Modeling of Interfacial Electrocatalytic Processes
Electrochemical processes are expected to play a central role in the transition to net-zero carbon emissions and help address the looming climate crisis. The complex nature of the electrode-electrolyte interface involving interactions across different time- and length-scales makes it extremely challenging to understand electrochemical processes. Rapid advancements in computational methods and high-performance computing in the recent years have enabled simulations to provide unprecedented insights into the atomistic structure of the reaction environment, elucidating reaction mechanisms and guiding catalyst design. However, a number of challenges still remain.These challenges include: (i) understanding the atomistic structure of the electrode-electrolyte interface under operando conditions, (ii) Estimating electrochemical reaction kinetics that are important to understand reaction pathways and predict product selectivity in multi-step electrocatalytic reactions and (iii) Incorporating the effects of various components of the electrolyte environment including mass transport, double-layer charging and solution phase reactions in modeling studies. Accounting for all these aspects necessitates the development of a multiscale approach to understand and predict electrochemical processes for energy conversion.
In my previous research, we have addressed different aspects of the aforementioned challenges using a combination of simulation techniques including density functional theory based molecular dynamics (DFT-MD), ab-initio microkinetic simulations and continuum transport modeling. For instance, we used DFT-MD simulations of metal-water interfaces to understand their structure, estimate solvation energies and identify trends in the potential of zero charge.[1,2] We identify simple descriptors to predict these quantities, thereby circumventing the need for expensive DFT-MD simulations. Using constant-potential DFT simulations (in combination with experiments), we elucidated reaction mechanisms of complex multi-step electrocatalytic reactions including electrochemical CO2 reduction [3,4] and electrochemical biomass conversion [5,6]. Furthermore, we have investigated mechanisms behind the effects of the reaction environment (i.e. electrolyte pH, cations and anions) on the activity and selectivity of several electrochemical processes. [7, 8]
I aim to develop an interdisciplinary research program to gain a fundamental understanding of interfacial electrocatalytic processes. The overarching goal of my research program is to be able to realize the full potential of electrocatalytic processes in the transition to net-zero carbon emissions.
Teaching and mentoring
The opportunity to teach and mentor students has been a strong reason for me to pursue a career in academia. I have been fortunate to have teachers and mentors though high school, undergraduate and graduate school that have encouraged my curiosity, shaped my thinking and inspired me to pursue my goals. I believe it is now my turn to give back to the society. As we are at a defining moment of the climate change crisis, I will strive towards highlighting the importance of the current situation we face and the need to accelerate the transition to net zero carbon emissions to the next generation students and researchers. To me, getting the next generation to realize the importance of the climate crisis and getting them excited about research in this field is as important as my research contributions to the society.
With my undergraduate and graduate training in chemical engineering, and my teaching experiences, I would be confident to teach any undergraduate/graduate level chemical engineering course. Iâm particularly enthusiastic about teaching courses such as Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Transport Phenomena and Kinetics and Reaction engineering together with scientific programing tools for problem solving. I would also be able to easily relate the concepts in these courses to real world applications as they are synergistic with my research interests.
(#: Co-first author, *: Corresponding author):
[1] S. Liu, S. Vijay, M. Xu, A. Cao, H. Prats, G. Kastlunger, H. H. Heenen, N. Govindarajan*, Chemrxiv (2023)
[2] S. R. Kelly#, H. H. Heenen#, N. Govindarajan#, K. Chan, J. K. Nørskov, J. Phys. Chem. C., 126 (2022)
[3] G. Kastlunger, L. Wang, N. Govindarajan, H. H. Heenen, S. Ringe, T. Jaramillo, C. Hahn, K. Chan, ACS Catalysis, 12 (2022)
[4] G. Kastlunger, H. H. Heeenen, N. Govindarajan, ACS Catalysis, 13 (2023)
[5] S. Liu#, N. Govindarajan#, H. Prats, K. Chan, Chem Catalysis, 2 (2022)
[6] S. Liu, Z. Mukadam, S. B. Scott, S. C. Sarma, M. M. Titirici, K.Chan, N. Govindarajan*, I. E. L. Stephens*, G. Kastlunger*, EES Catalysis (2023)
[7] N. Govindarajan, G. Kastlunger, H. H. Heenen, K. Chan, Chemical Science, 13 (2022)
[8] N. Govindarajan, A. Xu, K. Chan, Science, 375 (2022)