2022 Annual Meeting

(107e) Efficacy and Perceptions of a Specifications Grading Scheme for Chemical Engineering Seniors


Wagner, D. - Presenter, San Jose State University
The purpose of this research is to determine the efficacy of using a ‘specifications grading’ scheme in the senior year of undergraduate education. It could be that the switch to such a system is beneficial or detrimental to students since they are likely used to a point-based (0-100 points) grading scale. The survey of chemical engineering seniors acquired information of and perception on a point-based versus specifications grading scheme. Studies on the efficacy of grading and correlations to assessment outcomes are ongoing in academia [1]. Entire disciplines focus on effective instruction and the psychology of student fulfillment when it comes to school and subsequent graduation. Standards-based grading [2] and specifications grading schema are closely tied together when the focus shifts from an instructor-centric lecture to a student-centric one. Instructors have seen improvements in grades and behaviors toward grading in chemistry [3] and writing courses [4].

A similar approach was taken as in references Howitz, et al. [3] and McKnelly et al. [4], in which the course switched from a point-based system to one that uses specifications grading and standards. Final grades still utilize the A, B, C, D, and F letter grades. I incorporated many of the same aspects as other researchers to show either consistency or a lack of when it comes to reward systems, resubmission, and improved mental health regarding grades (overall).

Participants were surveyed via Google Forms in January 2022, with a follow up of the same survey in May of 2022 to investigate how perceptions change over the semester. They were surveyed online and outside of class time. The survey has an introduction detailing anonymity of the part of the students and describes the survey as voluntary. Overall grade improvement is summarized with key take-aways regarding the efficacy of the grading scheme and recommendations for further improvements. Adaptation strategies are also discussed for those wishing to make any switch in their own courses with a summary of best practices found in the literature.


[1] M.Y. Tsoi, M. Anzovino, A. Erickson, E. Forringer, E. Henary, A. Lively, M. Morton, K. Perell-Gerson, S. Perrine, O. Villanueva, M. Whitney, C. Woodbridge, Variations in Implementation of Specifications Grading in STEM Courses, Georg. J. Sci. 77 (2019). https://digitalcommons.gaacademy.org/gjs/vol77/iss2/10 (accessed January 10, 2022).

[2] J. Elsinger, D. Lewis, Applying a Standards-Based Grading Framework Across Lower Level Mathematics Courses, Https://Doi.Org/10.1080/10511970.2019.1674430. 30 (2019) 885–907. https://doi.org/10.1080/10511970.2019.1674430.

[3] W.J. Howitz, K.J. McKnelly, R.D. Link, Developing and Implementing a Specifications Grading System in an Organic Chemistry Laboratory Course, J. Chem. Educ. 98 (2021) 385–394. https://doi.org/10.1021/ACS.JCHEMED.0C00450/SUPPL_FILE/ED0C00450_SI_002….

[4] K.J. McKnelly, M.A. Morris, S.A. Mang, Redesigning a “writing for Chemists” Course Using Specifications Grading, J. Chem. Educ. 98 (2021) 1201–1207. https://doi.org/10.1021/ACS.JCHEMED.0C00859/SUPPL_FILE/ED0C00859_SI_003….