2018 AIChE Annual Meeting
Session: Area 8D (Inorganic Materials) Graduate Student Award Session
This session will honor graduate students whose research achievements, in the broad area of inorganic materials, demonstrate a high level of excellence. To be considered for this award, the student must be working towards a Ph.D degree, and must not have completed the requirements for the Ph.D. before the application deadline. A nomination package is composed of: 1) a nomination letter by the research advisor, 2) the curriculum vitae of the nominee, and 3) the abstract, 4) One 1st-author research publication (published or in press). Do not submit Reviews, or research manuscripts that have been submitted or are in preparation. Nominations packet are to be sent by the research advisor (as a single PDF file) directly to aiche8dgradaward@gmail.com with the subject line "AIChE 08D award - student name". The packet must be received by April 18, 2018 at 11:59 pm Eastern Time in order to be considered by the selection committee. In addition, interested students MUST also submit the abstract directly to a relevant 08D session (not this session) by the abstract submission deadline. Students invited to present will have their abstracts transferred to the Graduate Student Award session, while students not invited will still have their abstracts under consideration in the session to which they submitted. Note that submission to this session does NOT impact the selection of the abstract in the primary 08D session. Winners will receive monetary awards for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, as determined by a panel at the end of the session.