2017 Annual Meeting
(780d) Oxide-Independent Thermodynamics of Solar Chemical-Looping Reforming for Producing Synthesis Gas and Hydrogen
In this work, oxide-independent chemical and process thermodynamics analyses are applied to frame the requirements for attaining high efficiency with SCLR in practice. Chemical equilibrium influences on process efficiency are presented for both the syngas-producing methane partial oxidation reaction and the hydrogen-producing water splitting reaction. Key drivers of efficiency include the ratio of methane to oxygen in the methane partial oxidation reaction and the conversion of oxidizer in the splitting reaction. The equilibrium oxygen partial pressure provides a link between the performance of the two reactions. A process thermodynamics analysis quantifies the impact of methane conversion, hydrogen and carbon monoxide selectivity, and oxidizer conversion on efficiency. The parasitic work for separating synthesis gas from the products of the methane partial oxidation reaction is also considered. Methane conversion and oxidizer conversion are shown to have the largest impact on efficiency. With complete conversion of methane to hydrogen and carbon monoxide in the methane partial oxidation reaction, the projected efficiency increases from 18% to 54% as the conversion of water to hydrogen in the splitting reaction is increased from 10% to 100%.