2017 Annual Meeting
(623a) Technoeconomic Evaluation of Cyclosporine Crystallisation Intensification Using a Cascade of M.S.M.P.R. Crystallisers
Cyclosporine is an immunosuppressant drug for the prevention of organ transplant rejection. The continuous cooling crystallisation of cyclosporine has recently been investigated using continuous mixed suspension, mixed product removal (MSMPR) crystallisers, due to their broad applicability and ease of integration into existing pharmaceutical processes [7]. The effect of process configuration [8], mother liquor and solids recycle [9], number of stages [10] on crystallisation yields, purities and product size distributions have been studied to demonstrate the feasibility of continuous crystallisation of the API. Technoeconomic comparisons between batch and continuous crystallisation configurations for cyclosporine to validate the viability of continuous crystallisations are yet to be implemented.
The present paper work develops a steady-state process model for the continuous cooling crystallisation of 100 kg per annum of cyclosporine from acetone including a systematic technoeconomic comparison of various continuous process configurations with the batch method, with a focus on computationally exploring and demonstrating process intensification. The effect of the number of MSMPR stages and varying recycle considerations (mother liquor versus solids recycle) on attainable yields, process material efficiencies and costs are compared. Mother liquor recycle requires vacuum evaporation of solvent, whilst solids recycle uses gravity driven separation to allow recycle of concentrated slurry to MSMPR stages. The developed model simultaneously solves MSMPR mass balances, crystal population balances and crystallisation kinetics to calculated stage and overall crystallisation yields. Prediction of temperature-dependent cyclosporine solubilities in acetone uses a regressed surrogate polynomial established from published experimental data [11]. Temperature- and concentration-dependent growth and nucleation rates are computed on the basis of published kinetic parameters [10] for accurate calculation of attainable yields. Material efficiencies are quantified via popular green chemistry metrics, namely the process mass intensity (PMI) and the mass productivity (MP), which offer quantitative insight into process intensification potential, for each configuration considered. Unit volumes and material throughputs required to meet the plant API capacity are scaled to account for stage inefficiencies. Economic analyses are conducted via an established methodology for pharmaceutical manufacturing processes [12].
The continuous MSMPR crystallisation configurations investigated show potential for application in the CPM of cyclosporine from the calculated attainable material efficiencies and total costs. The sensitivity of process performance to various operating parameters has been explored as well, indicating the significance of rigorous design space investigation of CPM processes. Our work encourages subsequent technoeconomic studies and life cycle assessments (LCA) of the CPM of cyclosporine for further investigation of process feasibility and viability.
The present study exhibits the importance of conducting PSE studies of candidate continuous separation processes for CPM prior to further process development. We demonstrate the economic viability of CPM to facilitate the transition from batch methods, and quantify the potential intensification benefits of improved material efficiency of continuous separation processes in comparison to their batch counterparts. This study expedites further process modelling for the CPM of cyclosporine and other candidates, as well as optimisation of continuous separation processes to realise the full benefits of continuous operation in the pharmaceutical industry.
[1] Poechlauer, P., Colberg, J., Fisher, E., Jansen, M., Johnson, M. D., Koenig, S. G., Lawler, M., Laporte, T., Manley, J., Martin, B., OâKearney-McMullan, A., 2013. Pharmaceutical roundtable study demonstrates the value of continuous manufacturing in the design of greener processes, Org. Process Res. Dev. 17(12): 1472â1478.
[2] Baumann, M., Baxendale, I. R., 2015. The synthesis of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) using continuous flow chemistry, Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 11: 1194â1219.
[3] Teoh, S. K., Rathi, C., Sharratt, P., 2015. Practical assessment methodology for converting fine chemicals processes from batch to continuous, Org. Process Res. Dev. 20(2): 414â431.
[4] Diab, S., Gerogiorgis, D. I., 2017. Process modelling, simulation and technoeconomic evaluation of separation solvents for the Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing (CPM) of diphenhydramine, Org. Process Res. Dev. DOI: 10.1021/acs.oprd.6b00386, in press.
[5] Rogers, A., Ierapetritou, M., 2014. Challenges and opportunities in pharmaceutical manufacturing modelling and optimization, Comput. Aided Chem. Eng. 34: 144â149.
[6] Benyahia, B., Lakerveld, R., Barton, P. I., 2012. A plant-wide dynamic model of a continuous pharmaceutical process, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 51(47): 15393â15412.
[7] Su, Q., Nagy, Z. K., Rielly, C. D., 2015. Pharmaceutical crystallisation processes from batch to continuous operation using MSMPR stages: Modelling, design, and control, Chem. Eng. Process. Process Intensif. 89: 41â53.
[8] Alvarez, A. J., Singh, A., Myerson, A. S., 2011. Crystallization of cyclosporine in a multistage continuous MSMPR crystallizer, Cryst. Growth Des. 11(10): 4392â4400.
[9] Li, J., Trout, B. L., Myerson, A. S., 2016. Multistage continuous mixed-suspension, mixed-product removal (MSMPR) crystallization with solids recycle, Org. Process Res. Dev. 20(2): 510â516.
[10] Li, J., Lai, T. C., Trout, B. L., Myerson, A. S., 2017. Continuous crystallization of cyclosporine: the effect of operating conditions on yield and purity, Cryst. Growth Des. 17(3): 1000â1007.
[11] Wong, S. Y., Tatusko, A. P., Trout, B. L., Myerson, A. S., 2012. Development of continuous crystallization processes using a single-stage mixed-suspension, mixed-product removal crystallizer with recycle, Cryst. Growth Des. 12(11): 5701â5707.
[12] Schaber, S. D., Gerogiorgis, D. I., Ramachandran, R., Evans, J. M. B., Barton, P. I., Trout, B. L., 2011. Economic analysis of integrated continuous and batch pharmaceutical manufacturing: A case study, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 50(17): 10083â10092.