2017 Annual Meeting
(604g) Synthesis and Characterization of Bi-Based Perovskite Semiconductors for Photovoltaic Application
Hamdeh, U. H. - Presenter, Iowa State University
Nelson, R. D., Iowa State University
Ryan, B. J., Iowa State University
Bhattacharjee, U., Iowa State University
Panthani, M., Iowa State University
Recent reports of efficient solar cells and other optoelectronic devices based on halide perovskite semiconductors has generated broad interest in these materials; however, the halide perovskites have major issues related to their stability and toxicity. For this reason, Pb-free halide perovskites are being explored as nontoxic, and more stable alternatives. Within this family of semiconductors, Bi-based halide perovskites offer the potential to have similar optoelectronic performance as Pb-halide perovskites due to their similar electronic structures. Our recent findings demonstrate that Bi-halide perovskites have superior thermal and environmental stability compared to methylammonium lead iodide. Proof-of-concept devices demonstrate the potential of Bi-based perovskites for photovoltaics and other optoelectronic applications. We demonstrate that the morphology of Bi-halide films can be improved by annealing in solvent vapor, resulting in increased current density in photovoltaic devices. The improved understanding in the chemistry and processing of Bi-based semiconductors is a step towards next-generation optoelectronic devices with the performance and stability necessary for widespread commercialization.