2017 Annual Meeting
(579f) Supercritical CO2 Pretreatment of Wheat Straw: Hydrolysis Performance, Enzymatic Yields and Comprehensive Mass Balances
Morais, A. R. C. - Presenter, Faculty of Science and Technology, New University of Lisbon
Lukasik, R. M., LNEG
Wheat straw, with an estimated annual production over 170 million tons, ADDIN EN.CITE ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA
1, 2 has been considered the most promising agricultural residue for the production of bio-products and 2nd generation bioethanol in Europe. The processing of wheat straw into fermentable sugars represents a great challenge, mainly due to its complex and highly recalcitrant architecture. In this work, the conversion of wheat straw into pentoses using supercritical CO2 followed by an enzymatic saccharification of cellulosic fraction is for the first time investigated. This technology benefits from the in-situ formation of carbonic acid. Without an additional chemical, this technology outperformed liquid hot water pretreatment allowing to produce total sugars yield as high as 84 % in comparison to 67 % with liquid hot water (and under more severe reaction conditions). Both chemical and physical effects of supercritical CO2 resulted in a glucan to glucose conversion yield of 82 mol% representing a 26 % improvement over those achieved in liquid hot water. ADDIN EN.CITE ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA
3 Firstly, the effect of various process conditions, such as temperature, residence time and initial CO2 pressure on conversion of hemicelluloses into pentoses (in both oligomeric and monomeric form) were scrutinised in an effort to define the optimal operational conditions. Then, several material characterisation techniques were used to investigate thoroughly the physical influence of supercritical CO2 on the processed solids.
1, 2 has been considered the most promising agricultural residue for the production of bio-products and 2nd generation bioethanol in Europe. The processing of wheat straw into fermentable sugars represents a great challenge, mainly due to its complex and highly recalcitrant architecture. In this work, the conversion of wheat straw into pentoses using supercritical CO2 followed by an enzymatic saccharification of cellulosic fraction is for the first time investigated. This technology benefits from the in-situ formation of carbonic acid. Without an additional chemical, this technology outperformed liquid hot water pretreatment allowing to produce total sugars yield as high as 84 % in comparison to 67 % with liquid hot water (and under more severe reaction conditions). Both chemical and physical effects of supercritical CO2 resulted in a glucan to glucose conversion yield of 82 mol% representing a 26 % improvement over those achieved in liquid hot water. ADDIN EN.CITE ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA
3 Firstly, the effect of various process conditions, such as temperature, residence time and initial CO2 pressure on conversion of hemicelluloses into pentoses (in both oligomeric and monomeric form) were scrutinised in an effort to define the optimal operational conditions. Then, several material characterisation techniques were used to investigate thoroughly the physical influence of supercritical CO2 on the processed solids.