2017 Annual Meeting
(460d) Nutrient Recovery from Thermally-Treated Agriculture Waste Using Membrane Distillation
One such management method being developed utilizes an integrated hydrothermal carbonization (HTC)-membrane distillation (MD) process for treating dairy manure on-site. HTC is an energy densification process that converts organic waste material into a valuable solid fuel and a nutrient-rich aqueous product (HAP). The HAP is then treated using MD to concentrate the nutrients for use as a liquid fertilizer and produce a high-quality water for on-site reuse.
In this study, we evaluate the nutrient and water recovery potentials of MD when treating HAP. A bench-scale direct contact MD (DCMD) system was tested with feed temperatures ranging from 35-60°C and distillate (permeate) streams maintained at 25°C, resulting in water fluxes from 6-15 L/m2-hr. HAP from multiple HTC conditions were evaluated, and recoveries of total nitrogen (TN) and total organic carbon (TOC) were consistently >99%, and overall concentration factors >6 based on total volume were achieved. Because MD rejects nearly all of the nitrogen and carbon in the HAP, the final concentrated solution may be suitable for use as a liquid fertilizer while the high-quality distillate water may be recycled back to the HTC process or used elsewhere on-site. These preliminary results indicate that the combined HTC-MD process is a technically valid alternative to land application of manure or transport for off-site treatment.