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Al-Salik, Y.
2009 Annual Meeting
Area: Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division
Sessions sponsored
Alternative Fuels
Applied Environmental Catalysis I
Applied Environmental Catalysis II
Catalysis with Microporous and Mesoporous Materials I
Catalysis with Microporous and Mesoporous Materials II
Catalysis with Microporous and Mesoporous Materials III
Catalytic Hydrogen Generation - General I
Catalytic Hydrogen Generation - General II
Catalytic Hydrogen Generation - General III
Catalytic Hydrogen Generation for Fuel Cell Applications I
Catalytic Hydrogen Generation for Fuel Cell Applications II
Catalytic Processing of Fossil and Biorenewable Feedstocks: Chemicals
Catalytic Processing of Fossil and Biorenewable Feedstocks: Fuels I
Catalytic Processing of Fossil and Biorenewable Feedstocks: Fuels II
Catalytic Processing of Fossil and Biorenewable Feedstocks: Fuels III
Chemical Reactor Dynamics
CO Hydrogenation I
CO Hydrogenation II
Computational Catalysis I: Methodology
Computational Catalysis II: Transition Metals
Computational Catalysis III: Oxides and Oxide-Supported Transition Metals
Computational Catalysis IV: Nanoparticles and Homogeneous Catalysts
Computational Fluid Dynamics in Chemical Reaction Engineering
Electrocatalysis for PEM Fuel Cells I
Electrocatalysis for PEM Fuel Cells II
Electrocatalysis for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Fuel Cells and Fuel Reforming for Fuel Cells
Fundamentals of Environmental Catalysis
Fundamentals of Oxide Catalysis
Fundamentals of Supported Catalysis I
Fundamentals of Supported Catalysis II
Fundamentals of Supported Catalysis III
Fundamentals of Surface Reactivity II
Future Directions in Reaction Engineering
Green Chemistry and Reaction Engineering I
Green Chemistry and Reaction Engineering II
In Honor of Harmon Ray's 70th Birthday I
In Honor of Harmon Ray's 70th Birthday II
In Honor of Harmon Ray's 70th Birthday III
In Honor of the Practice Award Winner, Rostam J. Madon (BASF Catalysts)
In Honor of the Wilhelm Award Winner I
In Honor of the Wilhelm Award Winner II
In Situ and Operando Spectroscopy of Catalysts
Invited: Session Honoring Professor James Wei - I
Invited: Session Honoring Professor James Wei - II
Microreaction Engineering I
Microreaction Engineering II
Multiphase Reaction Engineering
Nanoscale Materials as Catalysts I
Nanoscale Materials as Catalysts II
Novel Catalytic Imaging Techniques
Novel Catalytic Materials I
Photo, Microwave and Ultrasound Catalysis I
Photo, Microwave and Ultrasound Catalysis II
Photo-Electro-Chemical Conversion for Fuels and Chemicals
Poster Session: CRE Division Poster Session
Rational Catalyst Design I
Rational Catalyst Design II
Rational Catalyst Design III
Reaction Engineering for Biomass Conversion
Reaction Engineering for Combustion and Pyrolysis
Reaction Engineering for Renewables
Reaction Path Analysis I
Reaction Path Analysis II
Reactions in near-Critical and Supercritical Fluids
Science and Engineering of Catalyst Preparation I
Science and Engineering of Catalyst Preparation II
Structured Catalytic Reactors: Monoliths and Membranes
Syngas Production and Gas-to-Liquids Technology
Sessions co-sponsored
Advances in Algal Biorefineries
Catalytic Biofuel Refining
Catalytic Biomass Conversion to Chemicals
Catalytic Biomass Pyrolysis and Gasification I
Catalytic Biomass Pyrolysis and Gasification II
Catalytic Conversion of Oxygenates
Catalytic Conversion of Renewable Resources to Synthesis Gases and Pyrolysis Oils
Chemical and Catalytic Conversions and Processes for Renewable Feedstocks
Composites Interfaces
Computational Modeling of Surfaces and Surface Phenomena
Developments in Biobased Alternative Fuels I
Developments in Biobased Alternative Fuels II
Environmental, Catalytic, and Industrial Sensors
Fundamentals of Environmental Kinetics and Reaction Engineering
Fundamentals of Hydrogen Production
Fundamentals of Surface Reactivity
Multi-Scale Modelling I
Multi-Scale Modelling II
Nanostructured Particles for Catalysis
Reaction Engineering in Pharmaceuticals and Fine Chemicals
Reactor Engineering for Biomass Feedstocks