2008 Annual Meeting
(240b) Computation of Arrival Cost for Moving Horizon Estimation Via Unscented Kalman Filtering
These advantages of UKF over EKF form the motivation of this work where a MHE with computation of the arrival cost via UKF (uMHE) is proposed. The unscented transformation and a set of selected sigma points are used to compute the covariances and then the arrival cost. The selection procedure for the sigma points is the same as the one used for UKF if the constraints are inactive, however, a modification is used that satisfies the state variable constraints when the constraints are active [2]. Linearization of the model is not required for the presented approach.
The case study shows that the presented uMHE performed better than the MHE via the commonly used EKF (eMHE) for all investigated horizon lengths and measurement noise levels. The advantages of uMHE over eMHE are clearly visible for small horizon lengths. Since the performance of both MHEs improves as the horizon length grows, the advantages of the uMHE over the eMHE decrease for large N. However, as the computational burden also grows with the length of the horizon, this restricts how large a value of N can be chosen. The case study illustrated that the proposed uMHE has a better performance than eMHE and can be a promising alternative for approximating the arrival cost for MHE.
[1] S. J. Julier and J. K. Uhlmann. Unscented Filtering and Nonlinear Estimation. Proceedings. of the IEEE, Vol. 92: 401422, 2004
[2] P. Vachhani, S. Narasimhan, and R Rengaswamy. Robust and reliable estimation via unscented recursive nonlinear dynamic data reconciliation. Journal of Process. Control.,16:1075-1086, 2006.