2007 Annual Meeting

(539f) Hybrid Inorganic-Organic Microparticles for Chemical Mechanical Polishing


Coutinho, C. - Presenter, University of South Florida
Mudhivarthi, S. - Presenter, University of South Florida
Kumar, A. - Presenter, University of South Florida

To meet the stringent requirements of the next generation device integration and manufacture, surface defects and mechanic stress during chemical mechanic planarization (CMP) must be reduced. Towards this end, we have focused on hybrid particles of soft polymer and hard siloxane segments, functionalized with nanoparticles of titanium dioxide for slurry development. The density, size and surface roughness of these hybrids particles can be controlled by varying the temperature or composition of these hybrids, leading to softer or harder polishing when desired. In using these hybrid microparticles for polishing silicon oxide and copper wafers, we report the development of very smooth planar surfaces with reduced scratches. This is an improvement from conventional abrasive materials like pure silica and alumina. Characterization of these hybrids has been done using infrared spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering, and electron microscopy (TEM/SEM). Surface roughness of the wafers was examined using atomic force microscopy and removal rate measurements were conducted using ellipsometry.