2006 AIChE Annual Meeting

(68d) Curricular Reform at Tennessee Technological University


Visco, D. P. Jr. - Presenter, Tennessee Technological University
Biernacki, J. J., Tennessee Technological University
Arce, P. E., Tennessee Technological University
State mandated credit hour reductions, emphasis on biology in chemical engineering, the micro- and nano-revolutions and accreditation outcomes are forcing us to take a close look at curricular content in chemical engineering. At Tennessee Technological University, we have managed to reduce the required credit hours from 134 to 128, introduce a new biomolecular concentration, emphasize undergraduate research though an honors initiative called Distinction in the Major and address the growing need for micro- and nano-scale concerns. Such cannot be achieved without aggressive restructuring, creative ways of integrating course content and reduction of redundancy. In the end, a new 21st century chemical engineering curriculum should emerge. The author will offer details about these initiatives and discuss some of the challenges we face ahead for the complete success of the modernization.