2006 AIChE Annual Meeting
(236g) Prediction of Hydrogen Hydrates Equilibria under an Organic Compound
THF enters only the large cavities of Structure-II clathrates while H2 can enter both small and large cavities with the occupancies of 2 and 4 respectively. The 2H2 / 4H2 molecules in the cavities are treated as rigid body clusters and the corresponding intermolecular potential parameters between water and H2 clusters are used to calculate the Langmuir constants of H2 clusters in the cavities. Then the excess Gibbs energy model along with the Lee-Holder cell distortion model and the vander Waals - Platteeuw statistical thermodynamic model is used to predict the dissociation pressures of H2-THF double hydrates. The agreement between the predicted dissociation pressures and the experimental dissociation pressures is quite good. Then, we will extend our proposed model to the gas hydrates formed from the mixtures containing H2, THF, and other gases.
1. W. L. Mao, H. K. Mao, A.F. Goncharov, V. V. Struzhkin, Q. Guo, J. Hu, J. Shu, R. J. Hemley, M. Somayazulu, and Y. Zhao, Hydrogen Clusters in Clathrate Hydrate, Science, 297, 2247-2249 (2002).
2. L. J. Florusse, C. J. Peters, J. Schoonman, K. C. Hester, C. A. Koh, S. F. Dec, K. N. Marsh, and E. D. Sloan, Stable Low-Pressure Hydrogen Clusters Stored in a Binary Clathrate Hydrate, Science, 306, 469-471 (2004).
3. H. Lee, J-W Lee, D. Y. Kim, J. Park, Y-T Seo, H. I. Zeng, L. Moudrakovski, C. I. Ratcliffe, and J. A. Ripmeester, Tuning Clathrate Hydrates for Hydrogen Storage, Nature, 434, 743-746 (2005).
4. J. W. Lee, P. Yedlappali, and S. Y. Lee, Prediction of Hydrogen Hydrate Equilibrium by Integrating Ab-initio Calculations with Statistical Thermodynamics, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110 (5), 2332-2337 (2006).