2005 Annual Meeting

(142ay) Numerical Modelling of Injection Moulding : Comparisons Using the Phan-Than-Teinner & Criminale-Erickson-Fibley Models


Hanspal, N. S. - Presenter, University of Rochester
Kulkarni, A. - Presenter, Loughborough University
Waghode, A. N. - Presenter, Loughborough University
Nassehi, V. - Presenter, Loughborough University


Finite element technique is used to model the free surface flow regime representing injection mould filling of elastomeric material such as rubber compounds. The most distinct feature of the constitutive behaviour of elastomers, is the influence of material elasticity on the elongation and shear deformation suffered by the fluid during flow. In the present paper we tackle this effect by the use of Phan-Than-Teinner (P-T/T) and Criminale-Erickson-Fibley (CEF) models. For the simple geometry used in the current work, the 2-D model for the representation of the flow is based on the Cauchy's and the continuity equation for an incompressible fluid. A continuous penalty/Galerkin finite element scheme is used for the solution of governing equations of the flow model. A scheme based on the Volume of Fluid technique is developed for free surface tracking. The solution of the free surface equation, which mainly represents the convection of free surface boundary in line with the flow, is based on the Stream Line Upwind Petrov Galerkin Scheme (SUPG). Time stepping used in conjunction with all these schemes is based on the well known Implicit-Theta method. Comparisons are made between the results obtained from both the models and their applicability to industrially relevant situations have been evaluated. The models can be further used to investigate the influence of effects such as change in the material properties at the advancing front surfaces.

Key Words : Injection Moulding, CEF model, P-T/T model, Front Tracking, VOF Technique, Finite Element method