2nd Bioengineering & Translational Medicine Conference
Utilizing Oxygen-Inhibited Photopolymerization to Control Size of Multimodal PEGDA Hydrogel Nanoparticles for Cancer Therapeutics
Among the existing methods to produce hydrogels, droplet microfluidics has gained popularity because it offers a higher degree of control over size and composition than traditional methods such as dispersion and emulsion polymerization. Although there are microfluidic techniques to produce monodisperse nanodroplets, they are sensitive to pressure variations and require high energy inputs, as well as having strict solution and oil viscosity requirements. Moreover, photopolymerization of PEGDA droplets in microfluidic devices is susceptible to oxygen inhibition, a phenomenon in which radical species are quenched by oxygen present in the system, resulting in an incomplete gelation. Here we address these challenges by taking advantage of the usually undesirable oxygen inhibited photopolymerization to create a facile route to miniaturize hydrogels from larger, more easily produced droplets. In addition, we demonstrate that size and shape of PEGDA hydrogel particles can be controlled, in addition to generating surfaces that can be easily functionalized. Specifically, simply by changing macromer solution composition, exposure intensity, and initiator concentration, particles with sizes and shapes independent of the parent spherical droplets can be fabricated using conventional microfluidic devices.
Hydrogel permeability and network structure can be finely tuned by varying the PEGDA precursor solution composition and controlling the exposure time. In addition, functional surfaces can be obtained by adding acrylated functional molecules, such as acryl-PEG-biotin, to the macromer solution, which are incorporated into the particle matrix and exhibit surface activity. Using this method, we can produce monodisperse hydrogel nanoparticles with functional surfaces and enhanced control over drug loading, retention, and release of chemotherapy and immunotherapy agents.