5th ICBE - International Conference on Biomolecular Engineering

New Biophysical Model for Characterization of Human Heart Valves


Garcia, J. - Presenter, Universidad de Monterrey
Rivera-Silva, G., Universidad de Monterrey
Moreno, M., Universidad de Monterrey

New Biophysical Model for Characterization of Human Heart Valves

Juan B. Garcia Flores1, Jose C. Padilla Jaime1, Gerardo Rivera Silva1 & Maria G. Moreno Trevino2

1Laboratory for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, University of Monterrey, San Pedro Garza Garcia, NL, MEX
2Basic Sciences Department, University of Monterrey, San Pedro Garza Garcia, NL, MEX

Background. Utilizing human valves often means less risk of infection, even though it is a more complicated surgery than other replacement techniques. Homograft rescue should be realized within 48 hours post mortem. Appropriate homografts are preserved either under 0-­-4oC for further use within 6 weeks after rescue, or are frozen at -­-150oC. However, an integral morphological examination is not performed before the surgery. Methods. We developed a morphological approach to show the cell geometric interaction and valvular integrity. Microscopic techniques and photographs were used to measure angles and lengths (beta 4.03 of Scion Image Software). Three groups were established: I (aortic valves; n= 40); II (pulmonary; n= 38); and III (mitral; n= 38). The shape prediction was measured using: M(T)´= T-­-1TPS (X(T)). Depending on the situations, we used one-­-way repeated-­-measures ANOVAS. Results. The angles related with valvular integrity and cardiac CT means were: 47± 1o , 1.34 ± 0.40 mm (aortic); 35±2o, 1.99 ± 0.36mm (mitral); and 60 ± 2o, 1.57 ± 0.30 (pulmonary). These results reported an interaction between geometric expression and valvular integrity in all groups. These approaches can theoretically improve the management of individuals affected by valvular heart disease, diminishing risks for problems during surgical procedures.