2019 Global Symposium on Waste Plastic
Plenary Talk: The Basel Convention, Plastic Waste and the Circular Plastic Economy
With this global circular plastic economy, the flow of new plastic into commerce will be affected, impacting manufacturers and consumers alike. The global effort to adapt to a cradle-to-cradle plastic economy necessarily contemplates collective engagement by government, manufacturers, consumers and recyclers alike in order to fundamentally reform the global commerce of plastic, from historically contemplated abandonment to continuing use.
Implications reach beyond the consumer plastic industry. For example, as plastic demand declines, ethylene demand may also decline, impacting hydrocarbon markets and ultimately oil and gas production and investment. Also, EPA and state regulations governing solid waste recycling may provide assistance or challenges, depending upon governmental response to recycling approaches.
The 2019 Global Symposium on Waste Plastic will provide an excellent opportunity explore implications and solutions.