2019 Food-Energy-Water Nexus
A Study on Food, Energy, and Water Impacts of the Average American Diet By Demographic Group
Bozeman, J. III - Presenter, Institute for Environmental Science and Policy, University of Illinois at Chicago
Overcoming socioecological barriers of the foodâenergyâwater (FEW) nexus remains a challenge for urban and rural communities. Using life cycle assessment and social psychology techniques, cradle-to-farm-gate land, greenhouse gas (GHG), and water impactsâthat derive from food consumption in the United Statesâwere analyzed and differentiated by major demographic groups (Black, Latinx, and White). Results indicate that the White demographic yields the highest per capita GHG (680 kg of CO2 eq*yearâ1) and water impacts (328,600 L*yearâ1) from food consumption, whereas the Black demographic yields the highest per capita land impacts (1,770 m2*yearâ1) from food consumption. Furthermore, we propose using government programming to encourage environmentally friendly food purchasing behavior. In all, these findings establish a cross-disciplinary methodological approach to addressing socioecological problems and provides useful FEW impact data for FEW nexus and climate change researchers.