RCN Conference on Pan American Biofuels and Bioenergy Sustainability
Bioenergy in Northeastern Brazil: Opportunities and Challenges
Bioenergy in Northeastern Brazil: Opportunities and Challenges
Authors Names: Rômulo Simões Cezar Menezes1, Claudemiro de Lima Júnior2
Authors Affiliations: 1Professor, Nuclear Energy Department, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, rmenezes@ufpe.br; 2Professor, Campus Petrolina, Universidade de Pernambuco, claudemirojr@gmail.com
The use of biomass sources for energy purposes is very relevant in Brazil. The same importance is observed in the NE region of Brazil, but there are regional sources that are still underutilized. Therefore, this subject deserves more attention from researchers and government officials to point the potential opportunities for the industry and other sectors. We have recently completed the "Atlas of Bioenergy in NE Brazil", in which we quantified the annual production of the main biomass sources with potential for energy recovery, for each municipality of the region. We also calculated the primary energy content of each biomass source. Similarly to the rest of Brazil, sugarcane bagasse, ethanol, firewood and charcoal were the sources with highest primary energy production. Several other sources with potential energy contribution are underutilized or are not used for energy purposes, such as the organic fraction of municipal solid waste, sugarcane vinasse, coconut shells and animal manure. Biomass conversion through anaerobic biodigestion, particularly in decentralized micro generation systems, could improve the energy recovery of several of these regional biomass sources. However, the region lacks the human resources and infrastructure to develop and support this route on a large scale. Information on the spatial distribution of these potential sources available, routes for energy recovery and suggestions of public policies to stimulate the use of these sources will be discussed.