4th International Congress on Sustainability Science & Engineering
A Perspective on How Microalgae Can Address the Water, Energy Food Nexus
Transformative changes in our production of secure and sustainable energy, food, and water sources are becoming the most significant challenges of the 21st Century. As energy demands, food scarcity, and climate variability increase, creating reliable and resilient energy delivery systems, food production systems, and water supplies are of paramount importance, especially in arid regions. Although there is not one technology to solve these problems, microalgae can be part of the solution. These microorganisms consist of lipid, carbohydrate and protein, hence they can be an integral part of the food chain serving as a replacement for fish meal and other scarce resources; converted into fuel through a variety of pathways while recycling vital nutrients; and used to remediate wastewater. This presentation will provide an over view of the current technology challenges and areas for future research for microalgae as part of the solution to address the water, energy food nexus.