4th International Congress on Sustainability Science & Engineering

Maximize Aircraft Utilization by P-graphs


Frits, M. - Presenter, University of Pannonia
Bertok, B., University of Pannonia

The actual investigation aims at providing computer aid to member nations of Strategic Airlift Capability to optimally coordinate airlift requests and utilize spare airlift capacities and capabilities from other nations. From economic point of view 97% of the cost of a mission is the fuel cost. Thus, minimizing the number of flights with no useful load by more effective scheduling is crucial. Shipments are stored on aircraft pallets, and thus the availability of such pallets on the airbase is critical from the scheduling point of view.

It has been shown that the P-graph approach to process-network synthesis (PNS) originally conceived for conceptual design of chemical process provides appropriate tools generating and analyzing structural alternatives for supply scenarios Time-Constrained PNS (TCPNS) is capable to solve classical scheduling problems and vehicle scheduling problems as well. In current examinations the aircraft mission planning and scheduling is formulated as TCPNS problems.