4th International Congress on Sustainability Science & Engineering

Design of Sustainable Value Creation for Production Systems through Principles of Industrial Engineering


Jawahir, I. S., University of Kentucky, Institute for Sustainable Manufacturing
Badurdeen, F., University of Kentucky
Seliger, G., Berlin Institute of Technology

The rate of population and production growth in emerging countries is higher than in developed countries. For developed countries, there is an opportunity, to strengthen their economic cooperation with emerging countries in value creation to enable win-win-situations for both. A new innovative design methodology is developed for industrial engineering education and research with a focus on sustainable value creation to promote entrepreneurial spirit and creativity. To address challenges and increase global wealth, industrial engineers need specific knowledge and skills about principles and methods to know why and how to develop sustainable value creation. International and interdisciplinary projects are established with industry to exploit different perspectives for the common goal of sustainable development. To face resource scarcity, technological solutions are devised based on closed-loop manufacturing. Integration of solutions into production systems are made via simulation and information technologies. Assessment tools are used to determine economic, environmental and social impacts of solutions.