4th International Congress on Sustainability Science & Engineering
Advances in Process Integration Research for the Hybrid Power System Supply Planning and Demand Management
The International Energy Agency has estimated a renewable power escalation of 40 %, and expected the Renewable Energy (RE) to make up almost a quarter of global power mix. A Hybrid Power System (HPS) combines the use of intermittent electrical energy from various sources including the RE with “purchased” or outsourced power. Modeling tools for the optimal HPS supply planning and demand management have been relatively established. However, complementary tools that can provide planners, decision-makers, energy managers and electrical as well as power engineers with graphical and visualisation insights that are vital for better conceptual understanding of the problems have just been recently developed. This paper presents the recent developments on the insight-based graphical and algebraic Process Integration (PI) tool for the optimal HPS supply planning and demand management. Known as the Power Pinch Analysis (PoPA), the tool has been among the next-generation PI technique for resource conservation.