3rd International Congress on Sustainability Science & Engineering

Product Sustainability Addressed With Teamcenter Substance Compliance

This presentation will focus on "A Day in the Life" of a Compliance Officer. We will discuss the importance of establishing a framework for sustainability and design for the environment (DfE) initiatives on a PLM backbone. The Teamcenter Substance Compliance solution supports the development of green, environmentally friendly products while minimizing the risk of non-compliance to regulatory bodies such as REACH and RoHS. Here are some of the benefits to using this solution:

  • Minimize risk of significant fines, restricted market access and damage to brands by identifying, tracking and reporting substances of concern that are used in a product
  • Reduce errors and rework costs by automating the exchange of material and substance declarations with suppliers
  • Address environmental requirements up front in the design phase to ensure that your programs and products are on target
  • Teamcenter supports DfE initiatives to address forward looking sustainability initiatives such as Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).