3rd International Congress on Sustainability Science & Engineering

A New Way to Introduce LCA Into the Design Process


Hamilton, M. M., EarthShift
Lochran, J., EarthShift

Traditionally, looking at environmental impacts has been a half hour, back-of-the-envelope calculation or a four-month study using a sophisticated tool. Calculators and material selection tools offer a step up from the envelope, but still cannot grasp the full depth and breadth of LCA. A new online software tool offers a new path to LCA understanding. The tool can be set up as a calculator to start. Once the designer has mastered the basics, she can go into the model to see how it’s built. The next step in the learning process is the ability to build a new model. This new process leverages the work of the LCA expert and provides a growth path for the designer. Since many employees see sustainability as an important part of a quality company, they are more likely to continue in the learning process, resulting in more robust designs that honor the environment.