2019 E2S2-CREATE and AIChE Waste Management Conference
Invited Talk: Biomass Pyrolysis for Gas Fuel, Liquid Chemicals and Solid Carbon-Materials Polygeneration
As the only carbon contained renewable energy resources, the utilization of biomass is the key for the problem between energy and environment. Pyrolysis can convert biomass to gas fuel, liquid oil and solid char efficiently, it can convert biomass to high quality fuel, and is one of the main route for biomass utilization. However, as biomass type is diversity, and pyrolysis is very complex and quickly, the development of biomass pyrolysis is still very slow. In this study, the mechanism of hemicelluloses, cellulose and lignin pyrolysis was revealed. We set up a model to simulate biomass pyrolysis process based on biomass components. Technology of polygeneration based on biomass pyrolysis was put forward with target product controlling theory, and the operation experiment on the pilot and commercial size had also finished. The volume content of combustible composition in bio-gas would be above 70 vol %, especially, the volume content of CH4 would be above 22 vol %, while the LHV of gas would up to 15 MJ/Nm3. It is a good quality gaseous fuel for user. At the same time, a higher performance on the adsorption and combustion was obtained for the solid char product while the liquid oil was enriched more light weight composition such as phenols and acetic acid. The technology economic and environmental analysis shown that this technology has a good economy and environment performance compared with other biomass conversion technology. A further upgrading of the pyrolytic products and the application of these products were carried out. For example, after nitrogen doping, the char product was converted to a good electrode material with the specific capacitance ~180 F/g. It will be expected as a better biomass conversion technology to enhance the utilization level of abundant biomass resources in China.