2019 E2S2-CREATE and AIChE Waste Management Conference

Developing Methodology to Determine the Efficacy of Odor Reduction Technology of Liquid Fertilizer Circular Operation Technique System


Hwang, J. H., Jeonju University
Lee, S. R., Jeonju University

NH3 emissions from liquid waste were commonly estimated based on thin-layer models. However, such models differ in their ability to accurately reproduce observed emissions, which may be partly due to an incomplete mechanistic understanding of NH3 volatilization. In this study, NH3 release from pure solutions of (NH4)2SO4 (AS), swine pit liquid (PL), and liquid fertilizer sample (LFS) from the liquid fertilizer operation technique system were evaluated under controlled conditions (pH 7.6 and temperature 20 °C). Relationships between the NH3 release and pH, temperature, and total ammoniacal nitrogen (TAN) were established. Under the controlled TAN conditions, the estimation of NH3 emission were used to determine the efficacy of odour reduction when LFS solution is flushed into the pit in swine animal feeding operations with liquid fertilizer circular operation technique system.