8th World Congress on Particle Technology
(95x) Application of Extedned Discrete Element Method to the Melting Process of a Packed of Particles
Application of eXtedned Discrete Element Method to the melting process of a packed of particles
Mehdi Baniasadi, Maryam Baniasadi, Bernhard Peters, Xavier Besseron
Université du Luxembourg, Faculté des Sciences, de la Technologie et de la Communication, Luxembourg
e-mail: mehdi.baniasadi@uni.lu, maryam.baniasadi@uni.lu, bernhard.peters@uni.lu, xavier.besseron@uni.lu, web page: http:/www.xdem.de
The phenomena of melting takes place in many industrial processes, such as metal processing, environmental engineering and thermal energy storage systems. The problem of modeling of solid-liquid-gas flow including physical and chemical conversions of particles such as melting is the subject of intense research in industrial processes. These systems are difficult to model with numerical analysis due to the complex interaction between the different fluids and granular phases condering heat, mass and momentum excahnge. Basically models used to predict multiphase flows with particles are Eulerian-Eulerian and Lagrangian-Eulerian. The difference between the two models is based on different treatment of the movement of the particles. The particles are tracked individually in Lagrangian-Eulerian approach while they are considered as a continuum medium in Eulerian-Eulerian. Lagrangian-Eulerian is closer to the real physical processes rather than the Eulerian-Eulerian model for granular flows with particleâparticle interaction1.
In this paper, our main focus is on the modelling of the melting process for a packed bed of particles subject to a fluid flow using a numerical technique based on Lagrangian-Eulerian so-called eXtended Discrete Elemnet Method (XDEM)2. In this approach, the particles are resolved as discrete phase coupled via heat, mass and momentum transfer to the surrounding fluid phase. The Discrete Element Method (DEM) coupled by heat transfer is used in order to evaluate temperature distribution, melting rate as well as velocity, oriantion and position for each particle individually. In addition the approach allows to be linked with continues numerical approaches such as Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in order to solve fluid fields. The model has been validated by comparing predicted results with existing experimental data for melting of a single ice particle as well as a packed bed of ice particles in the horizontally flowing water. Fluid-particle and particle-particle intractions has also been considered. In addition, the model has the capability to be extended to the packed bed of particles with different size and properties to produce different liquid phases.
[1] Dierich, F., Nikrityuk, P. A. & Ananiev, S. 2D modeling of moving particles with phase-change effect. Chem. Eng. Sci. 66, 5459â5473 (2011).
[2] B. Peters, Thermal Conversion of Solid Fuels (WIT Press, Southampton, 2003).