8th World Congress on Particle Technology
(54w) Numerical Simulation on Fine Particle Transport Behaviour in Electrostatic Precipitators
In this work, a numerical study on the charging and transport behaviour of fine particles has been carried out based on wire-plate electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) with multiple wire electrodes. The effect of the applied wire voltage, inlet height, and wire distance on particle charging and transport behaviour, and the influence of the precipitator structure on particle trapping are analysed in detail. The 2-D numerical model involves electric field, space-charge density, gas flow, and particle trajectories. The fluid-flow velocity is higher than 1 m/s in this study and the EHD flow has a negligible. A Lagrangian approach for particle transport is utilized with the trajectories of individual particles tracked by solving their equation of motion. The electric field and gas flow are calculated using the finite-volume method. The flow simulation is done using the commercial software FLUENT with other parts coded as user-defined functions. The following main results can be drawn:
(1) It was observed that the Y-displacement of the particles exhibited a universal increase for all particle sizes, especially for larger particles, at low injection positions (Y < 25 mm). The larger the particle size, the higher the Y-displacement of particles because larger particle sizes improve both the particle charging level and electric field strength. No significant improvements were found for submicron particles.
(2) Increasing the spacing of the discharge electrode within a certain range and therefore increasing the electric field, it was observed that the particle-trapping effect improved and the outlet level exhibited a universal increase for all particle sizes, especially for large particles.
(3) The ESP models M1 and M2 were used to investigate their influence on the outlet height. Except for particles with a diameter of 2 µm, all other particle sizes showed an increased outlet height in M2 compared to that in M0. In addition, the different discharge-electrode arrangements, especially in M2, exhibited significant effects on the charging and transport behaviour of particles with a diameter of 1 µm.
(4) Particles with an inlet height of 5 and 10 mm were studied in M1 and M2 precipitators. The changed discharge-electrode arrangement improves particle trapping, especially in M2. This is because of the electron trajectories being closer to the discharge electrodes (M2), giving the particles more charge and leading to a greater electric field.