8th World Congress on Particle Technology

(54v) An Improved Bubble-Based Drag Model for Accurate Coarse-Grid Two-Fluid Modeling of Geldart a Powder Bubbling Fluidization


Xiong, Q. - Presenter, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Ullah, A., Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences
An improved bubble-based energy minimization multi-scale (EMMS) drag model was formulated in which the original bubble-based EMMS drag model at macroscale bed level was extended to microscale sub-grid level for accurate coarse-grid two-fluid modeling (TFM) of Geldart A powder bubbling fluidization. At both the macroscale and microscale levels, the physically heterogeneous structures were modeled by three pseudo phases, i.e., bubble phase, emulsion phase, and inter-phase, where conservation and stability condition equations were applied. Through such scale and phase decompositions, the improved bubble-based EMMS drag model was formulated through a two-step macro-to-micro scheme, where the obtained drag coefficient is related to phase volume fractions, velocities, and accelerations within each coarse grid. Modeling results show that TFM combined with the improved bubble-based EMMS drag model can accurately reproduce the heterogeneous structures for a laboratory-scale Geldart A powder bubbling fluidized bed. At relatively coarse grid, the predicted axial and radial distributions of solid concentration agree very well with experimental measurements. This indicates that our proposed improved bubble-based EMMS drag model incorporated TFM is promising for accurate and economical simulation of engineering-scale Geldart A powder bubbling fluidization.