8th World Congress on Particle Technology

(54t) Numerical Research of Hydrodynamics in Gas-Solid Micro Fluidized Beds


Liu, X., Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Due to the advantages of less energy consumption, more safety and good operability, the miniaturization of fluidized bed, or named micro fluidized bed, has been extensively studied by a lot of researchers. The Micro Fluidized Bed Reaction Analyzer (MFBRA) was adopted by the Institute of Process Engineering (IPE), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), to study the gas-solid reaction kinetics under isothermal differential condition[1, 2]. In the MFBRA, the hydrodynamics of micro fluidized beds play a vital role on the heat and mass transfer and which is a key to the accurate measurement of gas-solid reaction kinetics. In order to optimize and design the MFBRA, numerous experiments have been conducted to study the hydrodynamics of micro fluidized beds[3, 4]. Unfortunately, those works mostly focused on the bed pressure drop and minimum fluidization velocity, nevertheless, the detail information, such as local solid volume fraction and particle velocity profile in micro fluidized beds are reported rarely. It is because the existing experimental techniques, such as, optical fiber and capacitance probes are hard to measure those local parameters without disturbing the flow field.

The objective of this work is to study the hydrodynamics of micro fluidized beds and to investigate the isothermal characteristics during kinetics testing of graphite powder combustion in MFBRA. In this study, Discrete Particle Model (DPM) and Two-Fluid Model (TFM) are selected to investigate micro fluidized beds, respectively. The DPM is carried out by the commercial software EDEM-Fluent Coupling simulations. And for TFM, we used the Eulerian multiphase model in the ANSYS Fluent. From our numerical simulations, the detailed hydrodynamic characteristics of micro fluidized beds are explored systematically by comparing different column sizes and superficial gas velocity. Meanwhile, it is found that both DPM and TFM have the ability to model the MFBRA under practical operation condition with high superficial gas velocity. In the term of isothermal characteristics in micro fluidized beds, the temperature field distribution as well as the heat transfer between heat-carrier and graphite powder are explored by the combination of simulations and experiments.


  1. Xu, G., Micro fluidized bed reaction kinetics analyzer. Supported by instru-ment development project of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, Project numberY2005014. (in Chinese). 2005.
  2. Yu, J., et al., Isothermal differential characteristics of gas–solid reaction in micro-fluidized bed reactor. Fuel, 2013. 103: p. 29-36.
  3. Liu, X., G. Xu, and S. Gao, Micro fluidized beds: Wall effect and operability. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2008. 137(2): p. 302-307.
  4. Guo, Q.j., Y. Xu, and X. Yue, Fluidization Characteristics in Micro-Fluidized Beds of Various Inner Diameters. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2009. 32(12): p. 1992-1999.