8th World Congress on Particle Technology

(54e) Deposition Rate Consequences of the Formation of Multi-Spherule Cluster Aggregates in Gases "Role of Momentum ShieldingTM"


Rosner, D. E. - Presenter, Yale University
Tandon, P., Corning Inc.
For engineering flow systems characterized by particulate suspensions in gases, will the formation of cluster aggregates (CAs) in the mainstream accelerate deposition rates on immersed targets or confining walls ---or is aggregate formation more likely to suppress capture rates? Recent research on the drag properties of large cluster aggregates (e.g., stimulated in part by the Sorensen (2011) review) has opened the door to answering these important mechanism- (and pressure-) dependent questions. Sub-100 nm “primary” spherules, which may find themselves in even tenuous ‘fractal-like’ N-spherule clusters, can take advantage of what we call “momentum shielding”---analogous to the drag advantages experienced by birds who elect to fly in formation. We show here that the extent of this “momentum shielding” can be conveniently quantified (in a dimensionless function we call: Smom(N;Kn1;aggregate structure)), and used to predict the deposition-rate consequences of aggregation in aerosol flow systems when the cluster deposition mechanism is dominated by either: i) isothermal convective diffusion (C-D), ii) thermo-phoresis (TP-) or iii) inertial impaction (II). As expected, we show that for any type of aggregate structure (including ‘fractal-like’), momentum shielding increases with cluster size (e.g. N) and gas pressure (via the reciprocal Knudsen number based on spherule radius R1). We also show how Smom can be calculated for the limiting case of a N>>1 random close-packed-Df=3 cluster ---which is nearly gas impermeable. For fractal-like aggregates, including DLCAs (Df=1.8) and RLCAs (Df=2.1) we have recently shown that the abovementioned function: Smom(N, Kn1; Df) is actually sufficient to make useful engineering estimates of CA Brownian diffusion coefficients (Rosner and Tandon (2017b), thermophoretic diffusivities (Rosner and Tandon (2017a) and aggregate “stopping times” (Rosner and Tandon (2017c)----each in terms of their previously known values (D1, αTD1, and tp,1) for isolated individual spherules in the same environment.

This information now enables instructive engineering calculations of the deposition-rate consequences of spherule aggregation to form large cluster aggregates-----i.e. at the same mainstream spherule volume fraction we can now determine how much aggregation will increase or decrease the total spherule acquisition rate on an immersed target. We present here representative results for each of the abovementioned particle transport mechanisms----i.e.: i) isothermal convective-diffusion (C-D), ii) thermo-phoresis (TP-) or iii) inertial impaction (II)----- including a brief account of the consequences of dealing with Kn1-dependent coagulation-‘aged’ aggregate size distributions (ASDs) in the mainsteam. We summarize our current re-examination of the canonical problem of inertial impaction on a circular cylinder in Re>>1 crossflow (Rosner and Tandon (2017c), dealing now with CA-“projectiles” but in the absence of spherule loss from the much larger target. We conclude by briefly outlining our planned work on the efficient “inversion” of sampled cluster-ASD-data to reconstruct, using the abovementioned Smom(N,Kn1;Df information, what ASD must have existed in the mainstream---at least in the absence of appreciable supercritical aggregate break-up.


1. Rosner, D. E. and P. Tandon (2017a). Knudsen Transition Effects on the Thermophoretic Properties of Fractal-like Aggregates; Implications for Thermophoretic Sampling of High-Pressure Flames, Aerosol Science and Technology (in press).

2. Rosner, D. E. and P. Tandon (2017b). Aggregation- and Knudsen Transition Rarefaction- Effects on Particle Mass Deposition Rates by Convective-Diffusion, Thermophoresis or Inertial Impaction; Consequences of Multi-spherule ‘Momentum Shielding’, Aerosol Science and Technology (in press).

3. Rosner, D. E. and P. Tandon (2017b). Mainstream Aggregation and Polydispersity Effects for Inertially-Dominated Deposition Rates on Cylinders (or Leading ‘Edges’) in Crossflow”---- Consequences of ‘Momentum Shielding’ for the Impaction of Large, “Compact” (2<Df<3) Multi-spherule Aggregates, Aerosol Science and Technology (prepared for submission, August 2017).

4. Sorensen, C. M. (2011). The Mobility of Fractal Aggregates: A Review, Aerosol Science and Technology. 45: 765-779.