8th World Congress on Particle Technology
(54bm) FlowCam Nano® Provides Counts, Sizes and Images of Nano-and Microparticles: Application to a Therapeutic Protein Pumping Study
In this study, we assess the capabilities of the new FlowCam Nano from Fluid Imaging Technologies, in conjunction with a pumping study that focuses on particulate formation generated during fill operations. Initial experiments show that the new FlowCam Nano can generate highly resolved images of nanoparticulates, allowing the simultaneous assessment of particulate morphology for nano- and microparticulates. This is extremely useful, as currently unpublished data (for the pumping study) show that as a function of post-pumping agitation, a significant increase in microparticle concentration coincides with a significant depletion of the nanoparticle concentration. This suggests that agglomeration (and probably not nucleation) is the more likely mechanism for larger microparticulate formation.
The ability to characterize the nano- and microparticulate morphology simultaneously, will allow us to better assess the cause of particulate formation (such as observing the transition of nanoparticles to microparticles and seeing if specific morphological properties of larger nanoparticulates are conserved in microparticulates). In addition, the FlowCam Nano is also sensitive enough to assess differences in the colloidal stability of a drug product in different formulations. During filling operations, and accelerated degradation studies, FlowCam Nano showed the differences in size distributions of IVIG in PBS and 0.25 M glycine buffer. Since IVIG is less colloidally stable in PBS, the size distribution varies significantly more per size bin and the overall mean effective spherical diameter is also ~ 600 percent greater after 24 hours of agitation in comparison to the size distribution data of IVIG in glycine. Thus, Flow Cam Nano has capabilities that are very useful in assessing drugs in the substance (e.g. optimizing drug formulations) and product (e.g. assessing particulates post fill & finish operations) phases.