8th World Congress on Particle Technology
(54ae) Simulation of Large Particle Turbulent Fluidization in Riser Reactors By Coarse Grain DEM-CFD
In the present contribution, coupled Discrete Element Method-Computational Fluid Dynamics (DEM-CFD) simulations are carried out using a coarse graining technique for the solid particles. According to this method, small number of particles are grouped into a computational particle (parcel) and represented by it as a spherical "lump," to reduce the computational cost of the simulations and allow lab-scale systems to be represented in full detail. The investigation focuses on the influence of the coars-graining degree, i.e. the number of real particles represented by a parcel, on the simulated flow hydrodynamics both in terms of its advantages (a quantification of the computational savings) and disadvantage, primarily the real capability of the method to resolve the behaviour observed and produce results in line with experimental findings. The gas and solid motion are studied, with the aim to characterize the clustering phenomena observed during the up-flow and its effect on the pressure drop. Assuming prescribed gas and solid inlet velocity fields, the potential tendency to show core-annulus flow, the intensity of solids clustering and the local bed density within the riser are examined at different number of particles per parcel.