8th World Congress on Particle Technology
(50c) Optimization and Round Robin Testing of the Heubach Type I Dustiness Meter for Use in in Determining Dustiness and Dust Levels of Enzyme Granules and Powders
The joint working group of the AMFEP (Association of Manufacturers of Enzyme Products) and the FEDIMA (Federation of European Union Manufactures and Suppliers of Ingredients to the bakery, confectionary, and Patisserie industries) has worked on getting a dust measuring device in place which can be used to determine the dustiness of enzyme powder and granulates.
This article will describe the use of a device in the measurement of enzyme dust formation of enzyme powders and granules. The goal is to make this device the standard tool for measuring enzyme dust from granules produced for the food industry.
The device that can be used to measure dust is chosen to be the Heubach dust meter from the company Heubach [3]. The device is used to measure dustiness of all kinds of powders, granules, tablets and seeds. The Heubach Dust meter is standardized by the German Industry Standard DIN 5592-1 Part 1 from 1997. For pigments the Heubach Dust meter is widely used [4]
Round robin testing amongst the enzyme produces (AMFEP members) and some bakery ingredient producers (FEDIMA members) was performed and will be reported and discussed here. Also the optimised Heubach machine will be presented as the new dustiness measuring device for enzyme granules used in the food industry.