8th World Congress on Particle Technology
(49d) Parallel GPU-Based Monte Carlo Techniques for the Flowsheet Simulation of Solid Processes
The modelled particle size distributions (PSD) can describe differences in particle concentrations spanning several orders of magnitudes. The computationally efficient description of such large differences of particle concentrations becomes possible by the application of weighted MC simulation particles [4,5]. Recent algorithms for the nucleation, coagulation [6], condensational growth/evaporation [7] and breakage [8] of particles by means of weighted MC simulation particles have been formulated specifically for graphic processing units (GPU). It has been shown that the parallel computation on GPUs could be exploited for the accelerated solution of the PBE, making thus the incorporation of this stochastic technique for the simulation of flowsheet processes suitable.
Production processes on plant scale can be mostly formulated as a sequence of coupled unit operations (with possible tear streams), which in turn can be described by the PBEs. There exist several approaches, to solve such a system, next to the sequential modular approach, a (simultaneous) equation-oriented approach can be chosen to describe such a coupled system (see e.g. [9,10]). The parallel formulation of the solution of the PBEs by means of the MC method is best suited for the equation-oriented approach.
We present in the following some basic application examples for the parallel solution of systems describing different unit operations. These dynamic unit operations are described as PBEs, so that the aforementioned particulate processes of coagulation, condensational growth, evaporation, nucleation and breakage may be simulated simultaneously by the means of the parallel MC method.
We present a parallel simulation algorithm, which makes the incorporation of these several mechanisms in an operator splitting technique (see e.g. [11]) possible. It is shown how the parallel computational architecture of the GPU can be used in order to simulate such a system in a computationally efficient way, the application of synchronized and asynchronous kernel launches on the GPU is investigated in this context.
In the scope of this algorithm, several MC simulations are performed for each unit operation in parallel. The different units can be launched in parallel, too. The dependency of the accuracy (as well as the computational time) of the MC technique as a function of the number of used simulations per unit is investigated.
The computational complexity (i.e. simulation time) is investigated in dependency on the âheterogeneityâ of the system, as well. This means that the computational times for âmore homogeneousâ systems (comprising unit operations, which describe the same processes (e.g. coagulation) for different parameters (e.g. temperature)), with âmore heterogeneousâ systems (for which one unit operation may comprise different processes than another unit operation (e.g.: unit 1 describes agglomeration and unit 2 describes breakage of the particulate material)). The computational time and accuracy are presented as a function of simulated units and the âheterogeneityâ of the system.
The financial support of DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) within the priority program SPP 1679 "Dynamic flowsheet simulation of interconnected solids processes" is gratefully acknowledged.
1. Ramkrishna, D. and M. R. Singh (2014), "Population balance modeling: Current status and future prospects", Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, 5, pp. 123â146.
2. Ramkrishna D. (2000) ." Population balances: Theory and applications to particulate systems in engineering", New York,Acad. Press.
3. Xiong, Y. and S. E. Pratsinis (1993), "Formation of agglomerate particles by coagulation and sintering-Part I. A two-dimensional solution of the population balance equation", Journal of Aerosol Science, 24(3), pp. 283â300.
4. Zhao, H., Kruis, F. E. and C. Zheng (2009), "Reducing statistical noise and extending the size spectrum by applying weighted simulation particles in Monte Carlo simulation of coagulation", Aerosol Science and Technology, 43(8), pp. 781â793.
5. Patterson, R. I., Wagner, W. and M. Kraft (2011), "Stochastic weighted particle methods for population balance equations", Journal of Computational Physics, 230(19), pp. 7456â7472.
6. Kotalczyk, G. and F. E. Kruis (2017), "A Monte Carlo method for the simulation of coagulation and nucleation based on weighted particles and the concepts of stochastic resolution and merging", Journal of Computational Physics, 340, pp. 276â296.
7. Kotalczyk, G., Skenderovic, I. and Frank Einar Kruis, "A GPU-Based Monte Carlo Technique for the Simulation of Simultaneous Nucleation, Coagulation and Growth Based on Weighted Simulation Particles. In: Particle Technology Forum 2016 - Core Programming Area at the 2016 AIChE Annual Meeting. AIChE, 2016, pp. 490â497.
8. Kotalczyk, G., Devi, J. and F. E. Kruis (2017), "A time-driven constant-number Monte Carlo method for the GPU-simulation of particle breakage based on weighted simulation particles", Powder Technology, 317, pp. 417â429.
9. Hillestad, M. and T. Hertzberg (1986), "Dynamic simulation of chemical engineering systems by the sequential modular approach", Computers and Chemical Engineering, 10(4), pp. 377â388.
10. Skorych, V., Dosta, M., Hartge, E.-U. and S. Heinrich (2017), "Novel system for dynamic flowsheet simulation of solids processes", Powder Technology, 314, pp. 665â679.
11. Celnik, M., Patterson, R. I., Kraft, M. and W. Wagner (2007), "Coupling a stochastic soot population balance to gas-phase chemistry using operator splitting", Combustion and Flame, 148(3), pp. 158â176.