8th World Congress on Particle Technology
(128b) Erosion and Mobilisation of Highly ACTIVE Simulant Suspensions with Impinging Vertical Jets
An experimental rig of 0.5 m3 has been used to model the central jet of the storage tank system. A Honite simulant (SiO2, glass spherical particles) of varying size distributions has been used for the initial non-cohesive particle testing, and modelling. Each experiment uses 10 different jet diameters. Data is collected with an Ultrasonic Velocity Profiler, which scans the simulant bed in real time under impingement utilising an automated traverse. Acoustic backscatter data was recorded to yield a dynamic scour depth, and dynamic crater radius to allow dimensionless analysis of the erosion for each size distribution. Dimensionless analysis takes the form of the Erosion Parameter, Ec, which allows comparison for systems of scale and a means of correlating multiple simulants against one another, so patterns are easily identifiable. Part of the dimensionless analysis was also to deduce the Shieldâs Parameter from vane viscometry to allow for a comparison of erosion behaviours taking into account particle properties, flow properties and the overall influence these have on the erosion profile.