8th World Congress on Particle Technology
(126c) Novel Electrostatic Field Meter Using Rolling Sector (first report)
Suzuki, T., Kasuga Denki,Inc.
Electrostatic charges and discharges generated in the industry can cause gas and dust explosions, as well as the damage of electronics components. This work has been done to experimentally develop the novel electrostatic field meter in order to measure electrostatic charge levels. The novel meter consist mainly of a metal plate with a sensing rolling sector, motor, signal cable, enclosure, and two air supply lines. The metal plate was attached on front of enclosure then electrically grounded. It had four holes with 0.9 mm that had a trench shape. The signal detecting electrode was rotating at 1100 rpm. The enclosure was supplied with compressed air (air purge) in order to prevent combustible gases or powders from getting into it. As the results of the fundamental characteristic of novel meter, (1) it was observed that the electrostatic field E of simulated charge material (metal with 0.5 m × 0.5 m) and detected signal V were clearly in direct correlation and its validity was confirmed. (2) the V of novel meter strongly depends on the thickness, t, of the grounded metal plate. For example the V for, t : 0.5 mm, 1.0 mm, and 1.5 mm was 26.6 m, 5.87 mV, and 1.53 mV, respectively. (3) the performance of the novel meter was not affected by air purge in this study.