8th World Congress on Particle Technology
(112b) CFD-DEM Simulation of Fluidization in a 3D Spouted Bed and Flow Regime Prediction Using MFIX-DEM
At each operating condition, the flow is classified into the internal spout, spouting with aeration, spout-fluidization, jet in fluidized bed, or slugging bed regime based on the multiphase flow pattern. The flow regimes predicted by the MFiX-DEM simulation show excellent agreement with the experimental flow regime map at all operating conditions. Spectral analysis of the pressure fluctuations in the bed quantitatively corroborates the visual observations of the flow pattern based on the particle trajectories. The qualitative trends in the shape, frequency, and power of the dominant peak in the frequency spectra follow the expectations from theory and experiment. The results of this work confirm that the MFiX-DEM model can effectively predict the flow regime in a spouted bed with high accuracy.
A reduced value of the spring stiffness coefficient, required for the particle collision calculations, is used in this work as it would take months to complete the simulations with the exact value. A parametric study is conducted on the spring stiffness to rule out errors in the results due to the reduced value. It was found that the value used as a starting point in the simulation was sufficient to produce accurate results and increasing the value does not affect the flow regime prediction even in the worst-case scenario.